Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know the information is correct?

The system automatically classifies most items in the first load.  Materials and families that were not counted are classified as ‘uncategorized’. Using the model viewer, the user can assess the quantities, identify discrepancies or inconsistencies, and validate the accuracy of the information.

What if the architect didn’t follow modeling guidelines?

The quality of the report can always be improved with clean modeling and well-labeled materials and families. Generally, better models produce better first results. Even the poorest models, however, produce a lot of valuable, accurate results. Often, a few rounds of comments and modeling adjustments will significantly increase the report accuracy.

As an owner/developer, how would I use this data?

With quantities on hand you can now get unit costs in most categories. Share openly and request that your contractor verify quantities with their subs and discuss major variations. Use the data to promote better BIM modeling with your architect and better auditing of subs with your contractor. Use the data in the bidding phase to help confirm and level scopes between bidders.

What if the data contradicts quantities I’m getting from my subs or GC?

BINGO! You’ve found an opportunity to correct something and improve your understanding of the project. A quick investigation will indicate whether it was a BIM oversight, a reporting error through misclassification, or an estimating error. You will be able to correct a costly issue in minutes.

What level of detail is required in the BIM model?

To achieve optimal results, it is recommended to have a BIM model that includes comprehensive information about the project's components, materials, and relevant attributes. This includes detailed geometry, product specifications, and accurate representation of the building elements.

A more detailed BIM model enables you to extract quantities and perform automated takeoffs more accurately and efficiently. Allowing for a more granular project analysis, aiding in cost estimation, identifying potential issues, and facilitating better decision-making throughout the pre-construction phases.

The first version had unexpected results. How can I get better reporting?

You can use the commenting feature to ask about the results. The architects will recognize where BIM modeling practices can help improve the report. The contractor will begin integrating the data into their workflow and ask for corrections or classifications to suit their reporting needs. With a few corrections in place, rerun the model. You’ll find that LEMOS data improves the whole team when integrated into team communications. If you’re stuck, drop us a line at